
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

#31DC2014 - Day 9: Rainbow Nails aka SO MUCH COLOR IN YOUR FACE!

Good morning lovelies! After today there is only one prompt left for the “Colors” section of the #31DC2014 people! Exciting stuff! But for today, let’s enjoy the colorful prompt of Rainbow Nails.

Day 9: Rainbow Nails

Today’s prompt was quite a bit of a head scratcher to me. Rainbow many things can you actually do with that? Yes, the color possibilities are probably endless but of course my boxed in human brain got stuck at rainbow. I definitely wanted a rainbow in there somewhere. And then it hit me! Well, two things hit me! 1. I’ve been dying to use my Lush Lacquer (now better known as Polish Me Silly) Freckles. And 2. I love meme’s. Grumpy cat, Overly Attached Girlfriend, Socially Awkward name it, I LOVE IT! Some of my favorite meme’s are the Rage Comics. They consist of a whole lot of awesomely badly drawn characters like Forever Alone Guy, Cereal Guy, Troll face and of course...PUKING RAINBOWS!

I started out by laying down 2 coats of Sinful Colors Snow Me White on all my nails. When this was dry I went in with a thin nail art brush and WOW Nail Polish #393 and painted my little guy in. To create the rainbow I used the thin nail art brush again, Tip Top Nail Chic Walking On Sunshine, Tip Top Nail Chic Jazz Berryblue, Tip Top Nail Chic Sexy Bikini, Tip Top Nail Chic Grape Dance and China Glaze I’m With The Lifeguard. To finish everything off, I added 2 coats of Lush Lacquer Freckles over my index finger and pinky.

YOU GUYS! Look at that neon glitter go! Isn’t Lush Lacquer Freckles just gorgeous?? I really liked how all of this came together. Yes, puking rainbows might be a little weird but I am a little weird and I love it!

Lots of mad love...


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