
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

#PPSAnailchallenge - Sugar Spun aka "Neon in the nuuuude!"

Hi there lovelies! Heck, it is Wednesday and I am posting my third post for the #PPSAnailchallenge so basically I am posting my first post for Week 2. Last week I posted both mani’s on the Sunday...I don’t know about you guys but in Thea’s book that is improvement! HELLA improvement! Can I pleeeeease get a whoop whoop??

Sugar Spun

You guys! I was actually excited about this prompt! It’s not a type of art I do a lot because let’s be honest, it’s pretty damn tedious. But I love the effect! And it’s actually relaxing. Also, whoever came up with technique...frak dude, respect! Talk about thinking out of the box...or bottle in this case. Anyhoo, so I also love nude polishes and neons together but I don’t think I’ve ever done a combo like that. So I thought, why not now?? So let’s get neony naked!


I started out by laying down 2 coats of Essence Color & Go Dare It Nude. When this was dry I made my strings using Tip Top Nail Chic Walking On Sunshine on all my fingers except for my ring finger. On my ring finger I simply added a stud that I colored in using Tip Top Nail Chic Walking On Sunshine.

You guys! Seriously?? Why the frak is it so hard to capture neons accurately?? It looked so epic in real life! I want to nude and neon everything now but dammit, I apparently lack decent camera skills. I shall conquer it though! LIKE A BOSS!

Lots of mad love...

Sunday, June 7, 2015

#PPSAnailchallenge - Red aka "I'm such a drip!"

Yo! Stop the press! Two posts in a day?? Yip, that's how I roll homie...also known as "I'M SO BEHIND! GOTTA POST POST POST!!!". But I am going to do every single post in this challenge even if I only make it by a few hours. That I promise myself! So let's get to it shall we?


I was actually busy swatching this red when I realized I had to use it in this theme. It is glorious and shiny and just...hmmm....SEXY! And then I went and covered it up with drips. Hence why I'm a big ass drip. But it's nail art!

I started out by laying down 2 coats of Hean City Fashion #156. When it was dry I made the drip shapes using my trusty thin nail art brush and filled it up with a thicker brush and WOW Nail Polish #393.

As you can see, this art was pretty damn easy but it still looks kinda cool. I am very sad it covered a lot of Hean City Fashion #156 but so you learn. I will have a swatch up in the coming week of this beautiful red with some more art though, so definitely keep an eye out for that. She is sooo worth it!

Lots of mad love...

#PPSAnailchallenge - Unicorn aka "Big girls, you are beautiful!"

*Sings* Yes, I do, I believe, that one day I will be, where I was, right there, right next to you! And it’s hard, the days just seems so dark, the moon, the stars are nothing without you! *sing sobs* Thank you! Thank you! (And thank you Sam Smith for the heart string pulling lyrics) I’ll be here all week!...I just missed you guys mkaay?? And my lil space! *hugs blog* hello babeh...anyhoo, to the mucho fun stuff. The #PPSAnailchallenge! If you haven’t heard about it yet, it’s a challenge that the admin ladies (Ooh! Oooh! I’m one!) of the Polished Pretties South Africa group on Facebook put together for the month on June to get our creativity flowing. It is a challenge that is open to absolutely ANYONE, even the smexy international beings. All you have to do is make a mani according the theme and tag it using #PPSAnailchallenge. Le easy!


When I saw this prompt I was over the moon because cmooon, frakking Unicorns! What is not to love?? Uuuumm...well when it came to the actual mani my brain pulled the mother of all blanks. I had zero and I mean ZERO ideas. And then it hit me like the beautiful flick of a majestic Unicorn tail. With all this positive body imagery going on nowadays and people learning to love themselves and embrace their imperfections, why not celebrate the more fuller, fun loving, donut eating Unicorns?? Oh they exist! Where do you think cupcake sprinkles come from?

I started out by laying down 2 coats of Sinful Colors Snow Me White as the base for my mani. When this was dry I cut a makeup triangle into smaller blocks and sponged on randomly over my nails using Essence Free Hugs, Essence Love Is In Air, Color Club Twiggie, Sinful Colors Sail La Vie, OPI Do You Lilac It, and China Glaze For Audrey. To add a bit of sparkle I added a coat of China Glaze Fairy Dust over the sponged base. To make my donuts I used a thin nail art brush, Essence Wanna Say Hello, Essence Free Hugs Color Club Twiggie, OPI Do You Lilac It and Sinful Colors Snow Me White. For the hearts I used my thin art brush and Sinful Colors Folly. Lastly I made my fuller figured unicorn using OPI Fly, Tip Top Nail Chic Melting Marshmallow, Sinful Colors Folly and WOW Nail Polish #393.

I kinda like how this came out! It’s not 100% like I imagined in my head but it’s still cute and happy-feeling, which is what I was going for. To me that is mission accomplished right?!

Lots of mad love...